Dr Stephane Bleuer-Elsner DVM
EBVS ® European Veterinary Specialist in Behavioral Medicine
Veterinary Psychiatry Consultant

Dr Stephane Bleuer
Ibn Gvirol 77
Tel Aviv
Frequent Asked Questions
1- How the behavior/psychiatric consultation is performed in pets?
Veterinary psychiatric consultation lasts from one hour to an hour and a half, a particularly long time compared to other specialities in veterinary medicine. This time is mandatory in order to analyze the entire spectrum of the pet's behaviors, perform "classic" clinical examination, and provide individualized diagnosis and treatment.
Behavioral therapy involves exercises (e.g., making a particular play with the animal) and / or changes in the environment (such as adding a sandbox to a cat or a new dog sleeping place).
Depending on the diagnosis, the therapist may require additional tests (blood test, CT, MRI) and may prescript medication.
In all cases, treatment is done with the consent of the owner, respecting the lifestyle of each and every one, as well as finding a solution that respects the pet and his welfare.
2- Why is it not necessary to see the animal at home to diagnose and give a teatment?
Like a human psychiatrist or psychologist, the behavioral veterinarian also works in his clinic. Just as the psychologist does not need to see his patient in the everyday routine to help him, so the veterinarian does not need to see the animal in its daily environment.
The behavioral consultation takes place in a special time and space, protected and respected, dedicated to emotional and cognitive expression. This time and space are also the frame of the first steps of the therapy. Testing the animal in a different place from its daily environment and exposing it to unaccustomed interactions will provide useful information that we cannot obtain when visiting the pet at home.
Shortly, during the first minutes of the live consultation the pet transmits much informations about his mental and cognitive state and his skills, whether through body language and movement or through proximity and direction of gaze. During the consultation, the vet will extract supplemental information about the animal's routine through questions to the owner. Video recording is always welcome but it is not mandatory.
3- What do you get at the end of a behavioral consultation?
At the end of each consultation, the owners receive a detailed explanation of the diagnosis, a medication (when it is required), a behavioral treatment (also called therapy) and a prognosis (what improvement you can expect and when you will begin to see improvement). Apart from an explanation during the consultation, a summary letter will be emailed to the owner. If a medication is needed, the owner will receive the drug itself or a pharmacy prescription at the end of the consultation.
4- How many appointments does my animal need?
The number of appointment is assessed case-by-case, but on average the animal is seen twice: a first consultation and one follow-up a month or two later. In more difficult cases, another meeting is needed after several months
5- How do I know that my animal needs a psychiatrist veterinarian and not a trainer?
The educator is usually engaged in education or trying to solve problems by education techniques.
When the dog suffers from a real behavioral or psychiatric disorder, educational techniques do not help. In such a case, only a psychiatrist veterinarian, with extensive knowledge related to brain activity and disorders, can treat the animal.
Therefore, if there is a serious problem and the training sessions do not help on a short term, contact your veterinarian immediately. Once the psychiatrist veterinarian gave diagnostic and treatment, the trainer will be able to contribute to the therapy If you are hesitating whom you should turn to, you can ask Dr. Stephane Bleuer - he will always be happy to answer you.
6- Is it possible to contact Dr. Stefan Bleuer between the treatment's sessions?
Yes indeed! Dr. Bleuer is always available for follow-up, questions and concerns by email or whatsApp.
Answer is received within 24 hours. If a phone call is needed, day and time to talk (at no cost) will be set.
7- After a remote consultation how do u pay and how do I get my prescription for drugs?
After the consultation is complete, the owners receive a summary and a prescription via email or WhatsApp. Payment will be performed by credit card over the phone with the secretary
8- Can I pay by credit card?
Of course
9- Are installment payment possible?
Absolutely: up to three payments
10- Are there any other therapists in the clinic besides Dr. Stephane Bleuer?
No. The only behavioral veterinarian therapist in the clinic is Dr. Stephane Bleuer
11- What are the diplomas and degrees of Dr. Stephane Bleuer
Feel free to check out all of Dr. Bleuer's academic background here